Friday, December 11, 2015

Cherokee Rose

I saw a pretty rose growing wild along the side of the road. Of course, I stopped to take some photos, but it wasn't until later that I learned about the Legend of the Cherokee Rose.

Cherokee tradition associates this rose with the Trail of Tears. Each part of the flower has a special meaning. 

The white petals represent the tears cried by the Cherokee mothers for their children on the long, hard journey.

The seven leaves on each stem symbolize the seven Cherokee clans.

And, the gold center stands for the gold taken from the Cherokee people.

In the legend, this beautiful flower became a source of hope, comfort, and strength. I will remember that whenever I see it blooming along the roadside.


  1. Replies
    1. It was something I didn't know about until I was trying to identify the rose.

  2. Something beautiful came from the Trail of Tears - such a sad segment of our nation's history.

    Your photos showcase this delicate flower beautifully.

    1. The rose makes me happy even if the legend is about a sad time.

  3. Interesting !


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